What is the official company name?
The registered name of the company is “Al Hilal Engineering Consultants”
What sort of consultancy does Al Hilal engineering offer?
Our main stream of work for which we offer our services and expertise, is in the construction engineering stream. Some of which includes a variety of projects such as villas, mid-rises, high-rises, industrial and commercial buildings, and urban planning.
What are the major departments which Al Hilal is divided into?
Al Hilal engineering is divided into the following divisions:
- Design Department
- Architecture
- Structure
- Masterplan and Urban
- Interior
- Construction supervision Department
- Contracts and tendering Department
- Commercial, Feasibility study Department
- Project management Department
Why do our clients prefer working with us over other consultancy groups in the region?
Over the past decade, Al Hilal has proven itself as one of the leading consultancy groups within the region by creating a comfortable and trustworthy environment with all clients. Knowing that Al Hilal design and management team come from a strong and creative background, and also the fact that we are reliable due to our availability to consult and our understanding of time value as an asset makes us a leading player in the region.
How is safety prioritized in our company?
Although we place time as a priority, we consider safety of our projects as a higher priority in order to provide the most preeminent services at all times. Safety of site for all employees and workers enhances the quality of work towards completion of an outstanding project.
How do clients place their claims and complaints?
If at any time or place, a claim or complaint may arise, clients can either give us a call through the number provided or drop us a message by filling out the E-form, all within the “Contact Us” page for which the icon could be seen in the menu bar provided on the homepage.
How to apply for a job at Al Hilal engineering consultants?
In order to apply for employment at Al Hilal, those interested may visit the Careers page provided on the home screen. Subsequently, fill out the E-form, and our staff will contact them shortly after submission by either a phone call or email, in order to notify the applicant for positions available in the company.
Where is the Al Hilal office located?
We are located in The H Hotel - Office Tower, Suite 1804 Sheikh Zayed Rd.Dubai U.A.E., P.O. Box 112778
Our Working Process
Client Needs

Planning Design

Architect Sketch